Saturday, May 21, 2011

Come What May...

I am so excited!

I think I have successfully talked the hubs into going with the children and I to a local arts festival tomorrow.

We don't get to do things together very often.

Even less often it is stuff that I want to do.

So, I am so EXCITED!

I love art. I think I was an artist in a past life.

AND....there is going to be a Pirate Ship there! A PIRATE SHIP!!!!!

I can't wait! I will let you all know how it goes!

Today we had a good day at home. Clark is in love with the movie Tangled. We rented it last night and I am afraid to take it back...he sat through the whole movie the first time. Then we watched it FOUR more times. He played the other times but he really liked it.

Lexi is trying so hard to crawl :( I mean I guess know it's good that she is developing and growing...but I am so not ready for her to get bigger. It reminds me of that song Just Stay Little. I just want to freeze time with all my kids where they are.

What age would you freeze your kids at if you could?


  1. hey! the tattoo post was a while back after my miscarriage....its under tattoo's or miscarriage in my labels! You can see it close up!

  2. I have no idea at what age I would freeze my girls. I love the age of my little one (9 months, she's just started army crawling and pulling up on everything, yikes!) but it just seems like every age gets even better, and in spite of all the turbulence of a two year old, I love two (my older daughter's age) too. Maybe it'll always just keep getting better, until about 13, then I'll wish I had frozen them at 18 months! Enjoying reading your blog. I found you on the Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop and am now following. - Amy

  3. I wish I could freeze them at every age, while letting them grow up at the same time.

    My kids love Tangled too. They can quote way to much of that movie. ;)

    Following along from the hop. Looking forward to getting to know you better.
