Friday, April 22, 2011

Confession Friday...

I have decided to make Friday....wait for it, Confession Friday! I know, I know. You are jumping out of your seat. About to pee your pants. Can't contain your excitement. And just for the record, I am not sure why I chose Friday to be the day of confession. I just did.

So here it goes...

I giggle when my son says he is watching the "assvertisements" before the movie.

I've never heard the song "Whip My Hair".

When someone falls down in my presence, I laugh out loud.

I have an addiction to Burberry that only my absolulte poorness cures.

I dream about getting pedicures, but can't stand for people to touch my feet.

If I had a whole day to myself to do whatever I wanted, I would probably waste it away asleep in my bed.

I just found out from my babysitter that the baby has been drinking 6 ounces for her for some time now....I've still only been giving her 4 ounces (epic mom fail).

I tell all my children they are my favorite something. Favorite teenager...favorite son...favorite baby. I figure this way they can never come back and say I lied or played favorites.

I wish every day could be the Fourth of July.

I haven't written one thing down in Lexi's baby book (another mom fail).

I love to cook/bake, but I hate to clean up the mess.

I have more, but I suppose that will do for today. I need to go feed that poor starving baby of mine. She is teething and she's such a trooper, but she's been running a slight fever with it. Yesterday she wanted the babysitter to hold her all day. Hope little tooth makes an apperance soon. It's the baby's First Easter. I remember on Skylar's first Easter I walked into her room to get her and she was sitting up in her crib all by herself for the first time! So cute, so long ago.

1 comment:

  1. Following via blog hop, hope you can follow me back.
