Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I've seen God....

I've been trying to take the time lately to notice the little things in life. Ya' know smell the roses and all that. I know that part of this is because I have realized how important these little moments are. I knew that before but it has become even more apparent to me since the birth of Lexi. You see, I know she will probably be my last. Unless I win the lottery AND get a bigger house AND drug my husband and talk him into thinking it is a good idea. So you see my chances are slim to none. Which is ok. I am at peace with this little family of mine. God has given me each of them and I am thankful for each of them.

Anyway, back to my story. I've just really been trying to notice the world around me without letting everything pass me by. I also think this is because of the few weeks I spent in a haze. What did I miss in those weeks? A good friend told me yesterday what a difference sleep has made in my life. She said she could actually see the physical changes I've gone through. She said it was good to see me say Hi and smile with my whole face, even my eyes. I was glad to hear this, of course, but I also wondered what people that don't know me must have thought those weeks. I can't even imagine what I looked like on the outside. On the inside I was crawling out of my skin. It was like having an itch deep in the pit of your stomach and not being able to scratch it.

So, since I started to stop and notice things more...I've been seeing God.

I saw him here....


And again here....

I see him here everyday, lucky me!

Have you seen God lately? I sincerely hope you have. If you haven't, take a minute to stop and look around...

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