Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Where do I start? My Love Dare Journey is harder than I thought it would be. Why? You say. Well, a lot of the days involve praying for my husband. For his peace, for his soul, for his part in our marriage, for our marriage as a whole, for everything! I will admit right here and now that I am a believer. I pray here and there.

So here it is.

I have prayed for help with this and now I am asking for your help. Any tips on how you get used to setting a time during your day to vigilantly pray. Any books or videos that have helped you on your way. Any thing. Throw me a bone here people! I have been halted by this process. The process of making me stop in the middle, or the beginning or end, for that matter of my day and pray. I know it is important and I have the desire. So why am I finding it so hard to do?

So, can you help me?


  1. This is soooo not "my subject" to give advice on...but what about taking some time at the end of the day, before bedtime? are in bed, chores done...perfect time to give yourself a few minutes to unwind and focus on what you feel is important...

  2. Tezzie, that is certainly my desired time to do it. I need a way to remind me though. I get so busy and I usually read in bed before I go to sleep, then before I know is morning and I didn't pray. I need to think of something to trigger the thought until it is just second nature for me. Thanks for your advice.
