Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Wish List....

You know how some people have a bucket list? I don't.

I'm not sure why I've never felt the need to come up with one. Does it actually help you accomplish things you want to do? I don't know.

I do have a wish list.

And it's very short.

It goes something like this....

1. I wish I was a stay at home mom.
2. I wish I could have farm animals.
3. I wish I was a stay at home mom.
4. I wish I could afford to have as many kids as I want.
5. I wish I was a stay at home mom.
6. I wish my grandparents had lived to see my children.
8. I wish the hubs and I got to spend more time together and do more things as a family.
7. Did I mention I wish I was a stay at home mom?

Maybe someday I'll get to travel to some other countries...but honestly if I don't, it won't make my life any worse. Maybe someday I'll get to take a helicopter ride to look at Christmas lights...but if I don't, oh well.

The things that would completely change my life....are the things on my list. And they all revolve around my children and my family.

After all...they are the MOST important thing. They are my legacy.

Who needs a bucket list when you have a legacy?


  1. LOL! I don't have a bucket list either and my wish list is much like yours! On another note, I love your blog title picture! :0)

  2. Love your way of thinking, bucket list of not:) Oh and btw, you have such a beautiful family, how could you not wish to be a stay at home mom?! hi hi I'm really glad I found your blog and I am now following you thanks to Fab Friends Thursday blog hop, and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
    Also don't forget to tune in today, because we have a special guest with us and it comes along with lots of presents and surprises for everybody! So don't miss it out. See you there!
    Happy Thursday

  3. I love your list. Following you now from the cup of joe blog hop, look forward to your future posts!

  4. I do not have a bucket list myself. Maybe I should make one......I'll think about it : ) New follower from Cup of Joe blog hop. I hope you will follow back
